Kolegium Gospodarki i Administracji Publicznej UEK

Policy REcommendations to Maximise the beneficial Impact of Unexplored Mobilities in and beyond the European Union (PREMIUM_EU)

Policy REcommendations to Maximise the beneficial Impact of Unexplored Mobilities in and beyond the European Union (PREMIUM_EU)

The aim of the PREMIUM_EU project is to develop Regional Policy Dashboards (RPDs) for decision-makers in sensitive regions to help them formulate policies to harness the potential of mobility to enhance inclusive regional growth and prosperity. It will be an evidence-based tool that offers decision-makers a tailored choice of policies that reflect the mobility and regional development profiles of their region.

The RPD will include three modules that provide state-of-the-art EU-wide regional qualitative and quantitative information: the Mobility Module (MM), the Regional Development Effects Module (RDEM) and the Policy Module (PM). MM covers both past, present and future trends (forecasts/scenarios). Innovative methodologies that combine traditional migration statistics with innovative geocoded social media data will be used to construct past and present patterns and trends. Moreover, mobility flows will take into account the human capital dimension, which allows for the study of brain drain and brain gain processes as well as mismatches in the labor market, evidenced by the exploitation of the labor force of migrant workers occupying the lowest sectors of the labor market. A typology of regions will be developed based on a combination of different types of mobility.

RDEM uses a multidimensional definition of development, covering not only economic, but also social and cultural aspects. A typology of regions will also be developed based on a multidimensional set of regional development indicators. Causal modeling of mobility and regional development will identify key drivers of mobility relevant to development and the inverse relationship of key regional determinants of inward and outward movements. The policies module will select a palette of appropriate policies for the user based on the regional profile in terms of mobility/regional development typology. Users will also have the opportunity to input their experiences into RPD.


Team members: dr Michał Wanke (Assistant Professor)

Project director:
dr hab. Konrad Pędziwiatr, prof. UEK (Associate Professor)

Project budget:
913 074,90 zł

Financing institution:
European Commission

Project duration:
27.07.2022 – 31.03.2026

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