Kolegium Gospodarki i Administracji Publicznej UEK

Labor market transformation and policies aimed at equalizing professional opportunities for employees

Labor market transformation and policies aimed at equalizing professional opportunities for employees

The aim of the project is to examine the extent to which changes that have taken place on the labor market in recent years (including the expansion of remote work, the development of new technologies) have changed the patterns of social inequalities and what conclusions can be drawn for public policy. One of the key factors shaping market opportunities is gender (cf. Altonji, Arcidiacono, & Maurel, 2016; Card & Payne, 2020), which is reflected in two dimensions: educational decisions that determine the future rate of return, and in the dimension of competitiveness towards employees who have the same qualifications. Equalizing professional opportunities is one of the most important areas of policies and interventions implemented both at the local (specific company) and national and international levels.


Team members: dr hab. Maria Urbaniec, prof. UEK (Associate Professor), mgr Justyna Tomala – PhD student

Project director:
dr Magdalena Jelonek (Assistant Professor)

Project budget:
27 000,00 zł

Financing institution:
Internal program KUE – Potencjał

Project duration:
29.06.2022 – 28.06.2024

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