Kolegium Gospodarki i Administracji Publicznej UEK

Balance of national added value and knowledge transfer in the conditions of globalization of value chains: research internship at the Vienna Institute for International Economic Comparison

Balance of national added value and knowledge transfer in the conditions of globalization of value chains: research internship at the Vienna Institute for International Economic Comparison

The research project consists of three components:

  1. creating a sector database on the processes of learning and knowledge accumulation carried out through inclusion in global value chains (GVC);
  2. developing a method for estimating the “domestic value added” covering the part of the added value that takes into account i) the changed scale of capital accumulation as a result of international flows due to foreign ownership, ii) the scale of the increase or decrease in tax liabilities on corporate profits and iii) the change in the share of wages ( and derivatives) in added value;
  3. building an analytical model to verify the hypothesis about the influence on the rate of growth of added value of such factors as: the technological gap, own research efforts and individual types of knowledge transfer as part of the cooperation of domestic enterprises with foreign entities implemented in GVC.

Research is supported by a research internship at the Vienna Institute for International Economic Comparison (wiiw – Wiener Institut für Internationale Wirtschaftsvergleiche), which specializes in advising government agencies of the Republic of Austria and EU institutions in the field of economic policy. The wiiw Institute creates and updates a unique database on foreign investments for 23 countries in Central and Eastern Europe. In 2019, a sector-specific database of intangible capital was created at wiiw.

The analytical model used to verify the hypothesis about the impact of various channels and types of knowledge transfer on the increase in added value is the subject of discussion with wiiw employees specializing in econometrics and international economics. The implementation of the research part will be used to formulate conclusions for the economic policy of developing countries of Central and Eastern Europe, including recommendations for public administration in Poland.

Project director:
dr Tomasz Geodecki (Assistant Professor)

Project budget:
25 879,00 zł

Financing institution:
National Science Centre (NCN)

Project duration:
 19.04.2021 – 18.04.2022

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