Kolegium Gospodarki i Administracji Publicznej UEK

The aim of the research project is to analyze the main regulatory mechanisms and instruments that support or hinder the production and use of renewable energy sources. The analysis is intended to show how existing legal solutions and the policy of their application affect the development of renewable energy.

In addition to legal regulations shaping specific solutions, public policies are also important, reflected in, among others, various types of documents, such as the state strategy – Poland’s Energy Policy until 2040, or action plans in the field of energy from renewable sources. They are also subject to analysis.

Team members: dr hab. Igor Zachariasz, prof. UEK (Associate Professor), dr hab. Filip Grzegorczyk, prof. UEK (Associate Professor), dr hab Magdalena Frańczuk, prof. UEK (Associate Professor), dr Adam Drozdek (Assistant Professor), dr Marcin Grzybowski (Assistant Professor), dr Jakub Olech(Assistant Professor), dr Aldona Piotrowska (Assistant Professor), dr Grzegorz Miś (Assistant Professor)

Project director:
dr hab. Ambroży Mituś, prof. UEK (Associate Professor)

Project budget:
36 400,00 zł

Financing institution:
Internal program KUE – Potencjał

Project duration:
09.04.2020 – 07.07.2022

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