Kolegium Gospodarki i Administracji Publicznej UEK

Project context Entrepreneurship education is currently focused mainly on providing the knowledge necessary to start and manage a traditional business. In response to the challenges resulting from progressive digitalization, an international project team composed of: Krakow University of Economics (leader), University of Jaen (Spain), Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University (Ukraine), University of Naples Parthenope (Italy), Vienna University of Economics and Business (Austria), the University of Salerno (Italy) and the University of Foggia (Italy)) set out to create and disseminate digital entrepreneurship curricula that can positively impact graduates’ employability across the EU.

The project’s products will be innovative content and teaching guidelines enabling the inclusion of knowledge about new technologies and their use in educational programs, created on the basis of the synthesis of the existing state of knowledge and the identification of challenges faced by entrepreneurs running digital businesses. In order to prepare teaching programs in the digital area, it is necessary to carry out research, the results of which will be included in the two main products of the project: the textbook “Doing business digitally” and the collection of case studies “How to do business in the digital era?”.

For this purpose, in the period March-December 2021, the team conducted:

  1. desk research method consisting of a review of the literature on the subject, analysis of reports, statistical data showing threads related to digital entrepreneurship divided into a synthesis of theoretical frameworks (definitional and classification issues) and empirical ones regarding digital business planning.
  2. in-depth individual interviews with company owners, the descriptions of which constitute didactic case studies.

Each partner prepares 2-3 cases, showing the key challenges related to running a digital business. For the Polish example of GetDresses, the important role of changing the business model (pivot) was indicated for the further activities of a start-up using artificial intelligence. Desk research analysis has shown that to date there are no available curricula and updated materials on digital entrepreneurship, or collections of case studies that could be used as best practices that can be developed in different educational institutions and shared among themselves. As the project is ongoing, full results are not yet available, but the current status of work is presented below.

Analyses to define a map of concepts and threads creating digital entrepreneurship led to the separation of the following main topics. For theoretical foundations, the following are described: introduction to Industry 4.0, disruptive technology, digital business and digital transformation in business, opportunities and threats of digital business, digital infrastructure, digital business strategies, functions (activities) of digital business, digital business ecosystem. For the part devoted to practical elements related to starting such a business, the following are explained: competences and resources needed to run a digital venture, the main elements of the business model, business plan, best practices, socio-materiality and skills needed to manage a digital business.

From the point of view of research, in addition to the theoretical and methodological content, important are identified cases of companies that, through the research tools used (interviews, analysis of company materials), present the company in a structured way not only from a formal perspective, but also from the identified success factors (or barriers) and challenges that they are faced with having to function in the digital world. Currently, 15 cases are being described from the countries of partner organizations, i.e. Italy, Austria, Ukraine, Spain, and Poland. As mentioned, the project is only in the initial phase of implementation and the research work is not finished, therefore it is not possible to present a complete list of results. However, they will constitute the basis for the next task of the project, which is to prepare the curriculum.

The research results will then be used to prepare educational programs in the field of entrepreneurship implemented at various faculties of the Krakow University of Economics, but also – due to the international nature – at other universities. This content will support, in addition to classic subjects devoted to the basics of entrepreneurship, also classes devoted to: innovative business models, competences in running a digital business, support for start-ups and development through an appropriately designed state support system. The subject of the project falls within the disciplines of management and quality science, economics and finance, and political and administration science. For the first one, it provides the basis for explaining how to design and manage a business using IT, for the second one, it shows the broader economic background, and for the third one: the role of the environment and public support for such initiatives.


Team members: dr hab. Jacek Klich, prof. UEK (Associate Professor), dr Agnieszka Pacut (Assistant Professor), dr Norbert Laurisz (Assistant Professor), dr Michał Żabiński (Assistant Professor), mgr Anna Mirzyńska, mgr Kamil Pilch

Project director:
prof. dr hab. Marek Ćwiklicki (Full Professor)

Project budget:
1 441 316,34 zł

Financing institution:

Project duration:
 07.10.2020 – 31.08.2023

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