Kolegium Gospodarki i Administracji Publicznej UEK

The main goal of the project is to develop scientific knowledge in the area of ​​the theory of social movements and the theory of social change, taking into account the political context. The research focuses on analyzing the processes of change in the strategies, actions and discourses of activists involved in the topics of the climate crisis and climate justice.

On the one hand, the climate movement is global, in which the so-called international summits devoted to the issue of carbon dioxide emissions. Representatives of these movements, taking part in these negotiations, create a certain discursive community, exchanging experiences and ideas. Transnational social networks also play an important role in the development and consolidation of climate activism.

On the other hand, these movements are strongly conditioned by local factors, especially economic, political (also geopolitical) and socio-cultural ones. In order to influence reality, the strategies of local movements must refer to the opportunity structures within which they operate, especially political structures. By analyzing activism in Turkey – a country at the crossroads of practices and discourses of the Global South and Global North – we hope to expand the universality of social movement theory or modify some assumptions or theses.

Project director:
dr Dobrosława Wiktor-Mach (Assistant Professor)

Project budget:
9 486,00 zł

Financing institution:
National Science Centre (NCN)

Project duration:
 04.12.2019 – 18.12.2020

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