Kolegium Gospodarki i Administracji Publicznej UEK

Development of a system of measurement indicators enabling the assessment of progress in the transformation towards a circular economy and the impact of the circular economy on socio-economic development at the mesoeconomic (regional) and macroeconomic (national economy) levels.

Development of a system of measurement indicators enabling the assessment of progress in the transformation towards a circular economy and the impact of the circular economy on socio-economic development at the mesoeconomic (regional) and macroeconomic (national economy) levels.

The aim of the “oto-GOZ” (Circular economy) project is to develop a set of measurement indicators (so-called circular economy indices), enabling the assessment of progress in the transformation towards a circular economy (circular economy) and the assessment of the impact of the circular economy on socio-economic development at the mesoeconomic (regional) and macroeconomic (national economy). The project is implemented by the Consortium, the leader of which is the Polish Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Technology and the other partners are the Institute of Mineral Raw Materials and Energy Management of the Polish Academy of Sciences, the Central Statistical Office and the Krakow University of Economics.

The project is being implemented in two phases: In the research phase (phase A), a definition of circular economy will be developed adapted to Polish conditions, circular economy areas of priority importance for socio-economic development will be identified, measures and indicators relating to circular economy issues will be indicated, and developed the so-called “Circular Economy indices”, i.e. aggregated circular economy indicators (to measure the transformation towards circular economy and assess the impact of circular economy on socio-economic development), which will be used in practice in shaping national and regional development policies.

In the phase of preparing scientific research results for practical application (phase B), the developed circular economy indices will be tested and implemented in selected Polish planning documents at the local level (in the strategy of the city of Krakow and in the strategy of Krakowski Holding Komunalny S.A.), regional (in the strategy of the Małopolska Voivodeship) and national (integration with the Road Map of Transformation towards circular economy). Including circular economy indices in planning/strategic documents at the regional and national level will be an incentive for the socio-economic development of the country and will enable monitoring the transition to circular economy in Poland.


Team members: dr hab. Łukasz Mamica, prof. UEK (Associate Professor), dr Jakub Głowacki (Assistant Professor), mgr Kamila Pilch


Project director:
dr Piotr Kopyciński (Assistant Professor)

Project budget:
321 900,00 zł

Financing institution:
The National Centre for Research and Development (NCBiR)

Project duration:
27.02.2019 – 30.11.2021

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