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Kolegium Gospodarki i Administracji Publicznej UEK

The research project is based on scientific cooperation between representatives of two universities (Bauhaus University in Weimar and the University of Economics in Krakow). In the research area, comparative studies will be carried out on the possibilities of shaping the features of a child-friendly city in smaller urban centers. The planned project assumes cooperation of an international research team with selected urban centers (in Germany – Altenburg; in Poland – Chrzanów). This cooperation will include the following activities: a joint seminar on the problems of good functioning of the city, making research results available on the websites of the University and cooperating cities and promoting cooperation between the cities participating in the project. The application goals will concern the joint preparation of proposals for actions aimed at obtaining the features of a “child-friendly city”, and, if city authorities are interested, proposals for actions related to obtaining the UNICEF Certificate.

The thematic scope of the project concerns urban space developed in accordance with the needs of the youngest members of society, treated as an element of building a competitive advantage and solving social problems. This is particularly important in the case of cities that are struggling with the problem of depopulation related to the processes of “urban shrinkage”. Therefore, the territorial scope of the planned research will include two urban centers in Poland and Germany, selected according to the demographic deficit criterion: Chrzanów and Altenburg. The results of the research will be the subject of scientific publications and a manual on the principles of shaping a friendly space and good practices. Addressing the issue of child-friendly space, with particular emphasis on shrinking cities, has many justifications. This is an important issue in scientific and socio-economic terms.

Studies relating to depopulation processes mainly concern the economic functioning of individuals. However, there is a visible lack of studies on the factors, methods and social and spatial barriers that inhibit these processes. Moreover, there is a lack of deeper research into the opinions of local authorities and residents about this phenomenon and the role of individual conditions in its development. The planned research can therefore provide representatives of public administration with the necessary knowledge about the directions and methods of action in the socio-spatial sphere as one of the elements of the process of stopping population loss.

An important result of research should also be the provision of information on shaping policy in the field of scientific research in order to increase its practical usefulness and enable the transfer of scientific research results to this public sector. The project will also result in the development of forms and methods of social participation in the process of improving the spatial and functional quality of public places. This research will be conducted using sociological methods (survey, direct interview) and case studies.

Project director:
dr inż. arch. Dorota Jopek (Assistant Professor)

Project budget:
24 260,00 zł

Financing institution:
National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA)

Project duration:
 27.04.2022 – 31.12.2023