Kolegium Gospodarki i Administracji Publicznej UEK

The project includes analytical work on the conditions of Polish energy policy. Based on econometric models, it is planned to perform a variant analysis of possible scenarios for the functioning of the Polish energy market. In particular, simulations are planned regarding the relationship between gas and crude oil prices as well as the scope of transport possibilities of this energy raw material to Poland. The project is an extension of research work carried out at the Department of Public Economy for several years. In order to obtain the necessary statistical data, including the prices of energy raw materials, it is planned to maintain and deepen cooperation with the Polish Liquefied Gas Organization. Research on energy poverty is also planned as part of the project. Under editorial review there already is an article titled: The Relationship between Liquid Petroleum Gas and Crude Oil Prices: A Case Study of the Polish Fuel Market.


Team members: dr Monika Mazur-Bubak (Assistant Professor), dr Jakub Głowacki (Assistant Professor), dr Paweł Białynicki-Birula (Assistant Professor), mgr Michał Król, mgr Paweł Bajołek -PhD student

Project director:
dr hab. Łukasz Mamica, prof. UEK (Associate Professor)

Project budget:
37 000,00 zł

Financing institution:
Internal program KUE – Potencjał

Project duration:
29.06.2022 – 28.06.2024

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