Kolegium Gospodarki i Administracji Publicznej UEK

Protected areas in local socio-economic systems. Models of functional connections in the light of modern concepts

Protected areas in local socio-economic systems. Models of functional connections in the light of modern concepts

In the face of increasing climate change, a sharp decline in biodiversity, as well as the progressive urbanization of countries and the reduction of the area of ​​undeveloped and untransformed areas by humans, more and more attention is being paid to projects that can reduce the negative impact of human activity on the natural environment. Important among them is the spatial development of protected natural areas and the improvement of their operational efficiency. Unfortunately, placing a given nature area under legal protection and introducing restrictions on its use is controversial from the point of view of local socio-economic development and is often not accepted by residents. Currently, the global discussion on protected areas is witnessing a change in the approach to their functioning. Not only the important natural role, but also the social and economic role of these areas is recognized. Efforts are made to combine functions in such a way that these areas, while protecting nature, also contribute to improving the living conditions of local communities and are supported by them. While searching for optimal solutions, research is carried out showing the impact of protected areas on the economy and the benefits resulting from their operation, and it is recommended to implement management models for these areas based on constant cooperation of their authorities with local institutions and organizations influencing local development, entrepreneurs and residents.

In Poland, this issue is poorly recognized and no studies have been prepared so far that would show the functioning of Polish protected areas in the context of new models recommended worldwide, and no comprehensive research has been carried out on the scale of the entire country regarding the importance of these areas in local socio-economic systems. The main goal of the project is to analyze and assess the functioning of protected areas in Poland, in the context of the development of a new paradigm of protected areas in the world, to identify social and economic functional connections related to the existence of protected areas, and as a result, to develop models explaining the place and role of these areas in local socio-economic systems.

This goal will be achieved by obtaining answers to the following research questions:

  1. What are the approaches and models of functioning of protected areas around the world in terms of their relationship with local socio-economic systems?
  2. Which of the models and implemented solutions for the functioning of protected areas best fit the new functional paradigm and what are the possibilities of implementing these patterns in Polish conditions?
  3. What is the level of socio-economic development and are there any differences in the level and dynamics of development of local government units depending on the presence of protected areas within them?
  4. What are the impulses and barriers to socio-economic development for local government units resulting from the operation of protected areas within them?
  5. How are demographic changes taking place in local government units with protected areas?
  6. What is the structure of land use of local government units in protected areas and does it change under the influence of the operation of national and landscape parks?
  7. What are the functional connections of protected areas with their socio-economic surroundings?
  8. How can protected areas stimulate endogenous development potentials and stimulate the development of functionally related areas?
  9. How to rationally conduct local government development policy in protected areas, taking into account their specific nature and the limitations they generate?

Research under the project will be conducted on three spatial scales: global (recognition of models of functioning of protected areas around the world in terms of their relations with local socio-economic systems), nationwide (analysis of the relations of Polish protected areas with their socio-economic surroundings, resulting from legal, organizational and spatial conditions, analysis and assessment of the socio-economic development of areas protected in the form of national and landscape parks and the separation of functional types of national and landscape parks) and local (recognition of local and supra-local functional connections related to the existence of selected parks, as well as the role of these parks in local social systems -economic).

The effects of the research will include:

  1. Characteristics of the empirical model explaining the functioning (place and role) of protected areas in the local socio-economic systems of the country,
  2. Developing a proposal for the concept of integrated management of protected areas, based on their inclusion in the socio-economic planning system and on constant cooperation of park management with local authorities, business entities and non-governmental organizations,
  3. Developing a proposal for a research methodology applicable to monitoring the role of protected areas in local development.

The implementation of the project will also contribute to the development of mechanisms for managing these areas and stimulating their endogenous development potentials, as well as increasing the social acceptance of parks in local communities.


Team members: dr inż. Piotr Węgrzynowicz (Assistant Professor), dr Piotr Serafin (Assistant Professor), dr inż. Mateusz Ilba (Assistant Professor), dr Monika Musiał – Malago (Assistant Professor), dr Patrycja Brańska(Assistant Professor), dr Marcin Semczuk(Assistant Professor), dr hab. Magdalena Zdun, prof. UEK (Associate Professor), dr inż. Karol Majewski (Assistant Professor)

Project director:
dr Bernadetta Zawilińska (Assistant Professor)

Project budget:
606 718,00 zł

Financing institution:
National Science Centre (NCN)

Project duration:
 14.07.2023 – 13.07.2026

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