Kolegium Gospodarki i Administracji Publicznej UEK

As part of the main topic, a number of partial research topics were implemented, including:

15-minute city: The study analyzed the extent to which Kraków meets the criterion of 15-minute access to basic public services. Thanks to this, it was possible to identify areas of the city that fully meet this criterion, as well as those that are characterized by significant deficits in this respect.

Publication: Noworól A., Kopyciński P., Hałat P., Salamon J., Hołuj A., (2022), The 15-Minute City – the Geographical Proximity of Services in Krakow, “Sustainability”, 14(12), pp. 1-34.

Territorial agreement: An analysis of the territorial agreement as an instrument for managing the development of the commune, including the city, was carried out. The assumptions underlying this instrument were characterized, as well as the interest and degree of readiness of local government units to use it to manage the development challenges they face in the 2030 perspective.

Publication: Salamon J., (2022), Territorial agreement as a mechanism for stimulating cooperation between local government units, “Samorząd Terytorialny”, 9, pp. 18-30.

Project regarding the location of municipal waste collection points (MSWCP): The adopted project methodology allowed for the identification of optimal solutions for the location of MSWCP in the analyzed area of ​​rural communes. This research has the potential to influence future waste management policy by assisting stakeholders in locating MSWCPs.

Project on the comparison of fifteen pedotransfer functions of soil and their usefulness for estimating saturated hydraulic conductivity for heavily eroded loess soil. These studies indicate the problem of determining saturated hydraulic conductivity, which is one of the most important soil parameters influencing surface runoff and the formation of water erosion.

Publication: Petryk A., Kruk E., Ryczek M., Lackóová L., (2023), Comparison of Pedotransfer Functions for Determination of Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity for Highly Eroded Loess Soil, “Land”, 12(3), pp. 1-13;


Team members: dr inż. arch. Agnieszka Petryk (Assistant Professor), dr Jeremiasz Salamon (Assistant Professor), dr inż. Paulina Śliz, Assistant Professor (from 2023)

Project director:
prof. dr hab. inż. arch. Aleksander Noworól (Full Professor)

Project budget:
25 500,00 zł

Financing institution:
Internal program KUE – Potencjał

Project duration:
28.04.2021 – 15.06.2024

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