Kolegium Gospodarki i Administracji Publicznej UEK

The aim of the research project was to identify research problems resulting from current changes in the relations between town and countryside. The research topics covered included: revealing development management mechanisms related to the support of development policy on a metropolitan scale, demonstrating social, spatial and economic changes in suburban areas located in the city’s gravity field, indicating the need for regional research taking into account the axiological determinants of development, determining how to improve the development of urban areas in the face of chaos spatial development, identification of development problems in communes located in protected areas in the context of environmental protection, indication of the relationship between uncontrolled spatial development and budget changes in communes. The result of the implemented project is a number of scientific publications containing conclusions summarizing the conducted research, which constitute a significant contribution to the development of the presented research threads.

Publication: A. Noworól, D. Jopek (ed.), (2020), City and Countryside – Identity and Space in the 21st Century: the Complexity of Mutual Interactions in the Peri-urban Interface, Kraków: Cracow University of Economics


Team members: prof. dr hab. Tadeusz Kudłacz (Full Professor), prof. dr hab. Bogusław Luchter (Full Professor), dr hab. Magdalena Zdun, prof. UEK (Associate Professor), dr Patrycja Brańka (Assistant Professor), dr inż. Artur Hołuj (Assistant Professor), dr inż. Mateusz Ilba (Assistant Professor), dr inż. arch. Dorota Jopek (Assistant Professor), dr Piotr Lityński (Assistant Professor), dr Monika Musiał – Malago (Assistant Professor), dr inż. Agnieszka Petryk (Assistant Professor), dr Marcin Semczuk (Assistant Professor), dr Piotr Serafin (Assistant Professor), dr inż. Paulina Śliz (Assistant Professor)

Project director:
prof dr hab. inż. arch. Aleksander Noworól (Full Professor)

Project budget:
49 469,00 zł

Financing institution:
Internal program KUE- Badania statutowe

Project duration:
10.07.2019 – 30.03.2020

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