Kolegium Gospodarki i Administracji Publicznej UEK

The aims of the project were:

  1. developing a program and methodological concept for educating children in the 9-12 age group in the field of human functioning in the social world, rules of collective life, economic problems and future challenges;
  2. developing a curriculum evaluation concept and
  3. pilot implementation of the curriculum.

The substantive program was organized in 5 thematic modules: how does society work? (sociology); man among other people? (social Psychology); economics, what do we manage? (economics and management): culture, what expresses man? (culture and media studies); and the world is changing (future challenges). For each thematic module, an original educational program was developed, consisting of textbooks containing the most important elements of knowledge in the thematic areas, tasks and exercises encouraging the development of skills and competences, as well as films and a virtual game.

As part of the methodological component, a monograph was prepared entitled: “A new educational path – A program of classes for children’s civic education.” For this purpose, the authors conducted in-depth literature studies in the field of: the importance of education (forms, institutions, teaching methods), the educational needs of children, the teaching methods used and the study of educational effects. Direct interviews with experts, educators and teachers were also conducted, as well as qualitative research in the pilot group. The research results presented in the monograph emphasize the importance of an analytical approach to methodological activities and the development of human capital through the implementation of the curriculum as part of non-formal education.

The project also prepared a concept for evaluating the curriculum along with the research tools used for this purpose. They were presented in the study: “Procedure for analyzing the scale of increase in knowledge, skills and competences of project participants. The developed concept and program evaluation tools were tested during the project implementation.

The project also included the preparation and publication of an article titled: Eyes Wide Open – the presence of educational projects in the third mission of the university, Horyzonty Wychowania”, 19(51), 83‑99. DOI: 10.35765/hw.1978), which reviews the literature on the third mission of the university and civic education. The empirical part of the article presents an analysis of a case study – a project implemented by UEK in 2019-2021. His main thesis is that the third mission of the University cannot be limited to contributing to economic development, socio-spatial and economic revitalization processes or equalizing social inequalities at the intra-regional or national level. Its role is also to create resources such as social capital, the ability to dialogue, a sense of responsibility and the ability to act collectively for the common good.

The research results were implemented on a pilot basis in the form of a series of 16 meetings conducted at UEK, dedicated to primary school students aged 9-12. The activities carried out in the project contributed to the increase of knowledge in selected fields, strengthening educational and cultural activities, interest in the surrounding reality, and the ability to understand and interpret it.

Team members: dr Norbert Laurisz (Assistant Professor), dr Katarzyna Sanak-Kosmowska (Assistant Professor)

Project director:
prof. dr hab. Anna Karwińska (Full Professor)

Project budget:
566 680,88 zł

Financing institution:
The National Centre for Research and Development (NCBiR)

Project duration:
 29.09.2019 – 28.09.2021

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