Kolegium Gospodarki i Administracji Publicznej UEK

Contemporary socio-cultural phenomena and processes as challenges for public policies

Contemporary socio-cultural phenomena and processes as challenges for public policies

The aim of the project was to analyze selected contemporary socio-cultural phenomena and processes that are or may become a challenge for shaping the concept of public policies and their implementation in social space.

Contemporary social reality is subject to processes of constant and dynamic changes, which constitute significant challenges for contemporary public policies. In this situation, optimizing the effectiveness of public policies depends on the level of social knowledge about these changes and the ability to notice trends in particular areas. As part of the project, analyses of various, selected contemporary socio-cultural phenomena and processes were carried out and, based on them, postulates were formulated regarding shaping or changing specific activities that co-create public policy tools. The analyses carried out are fragmentary characteristics, thanks to which it was possible to capture the specificity of the context of the individual phenomena and processes studied.


Team members: prof. dr hab. Anna Karwińska (Full Professor), dr hab. Andrzej Słaboń, prof. UEK (Associate Professor), dr hab. Katarzyna Warmińska-Zygmunt, prof. UEK (Associate Professor), dr Magdalena Jelonek (Assistant Professor)

Project director:
dr hab. Przemysław Kisiel, prof. UEK (Associate Professor)

Project budget:
17 402,00 zł

Financing institution:
Internal program KUE – Potencjał

Project duration:
09.04.2020 – 07.04.2022

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