Kolegium Gospodarki i Administracji Publicznej UEK

Patronage classes

College of Public Economy and Administration academic workshops at partner schools 

Our College invites interested schools to take advantage of our open program for secondary schools, run by our best teachers.

Being aware of how full modern teaching programs are, we do not organize information meetings. We fit into the existing curriculum (e.g. Basic Entrepreneurship or Social Studies classes) by conducting modern academic classes in one or more lessons.

Thanks to the diversity of scientific interests of our employees, the topics of lectures and workshops cover issues in the fields of: economics, philosophy, spatial management, law, sociology and management.

We are interested in the most current socio-economic issues, so we can offer students a discussion on, for example, the need to limit civil liberties in the face of terrorist threats, or the role of the state in solving the problem of unprofitable mines, or the repayment of loans taken out in Swiss francs, or the Krakow authorities’ proposal to introduce paid parking throughout the city. Our lecturers often comment on current events in the media and would be willing to moderate students’ discussions on selected topics.


KUE patronage at the Secondary School named after Josephine Gebert in Piekary

Cooperation between our University and the Secondary School of Josephine Gebert at the “Radosna Nowina 2000” Educational Center in Piekary near Krakow was officially launched on Friday, March 18, 2022.

The ceremonial signing of the patronage agreement took place within the walls of the University of Economics in Krakow and was performed by: Rector of the University of Economics in Krakow, dr hab. Stanisław Mazur, prof. UEK and the School Director, Fr. Zygmunt Robert Berdychowski CM, MA. The hosts were also represented by the Dean of the College of Economy and Public Administration, dr Hab. Marcin Zawicki, prof. UEK and Director of the Institute of Political Science, Sociology and Philosophy, dr hab. Przemysław Kisiel, prof. UEK.

The patronage covers a class with an economic and tourism profile at the Secondary School in Piekary, implementing an extended mathematics, geography and English program. According to the signed agreement, from the 2022/2023 school year, a special educational program will be launched for a four-year education cycle, including 10 teaching hours per school year.

Classes supporting teaching conducted by employees of the Institute of Political Science, Sociology and Philosophy will concern issues of the broadly understood political and socio-economic order of the world.

The patronage agreement provides for the organization of classes both at the secondary school and at the University of Economics in Krakow, including student participation in the activities of the Political Science Club “Homo Politicus” operating at the Department of Political Science.

Participation in academic classes at KUE is intended to help develop the area of knowledge that is interesting to high school students, as well as to familiarize them with the nature of classes at an economic university.

The culmination of the involvement of students from the Piekary secondary school in the cooperation with our University will be the receipt of certificates of participation in the program.

KUE patronage at the 4th Secondary School named after Tadeusz Kościuszko in Krakow

The cooperation agreement with the 4th Secondary School named after Tadeusz Kościuszko in Krakow was signed in September 2019. The class is under the patronage of the Institute of Spatial Management and Urban Studies.

Classes for students in the form of lectures, workshops and design classes are conducted by employees of the Institute of Spatial Management and Urban Studies. The offer is addressed to students of mathematics and geography classes with advanced English and includes 30 teaching hours divided into thematic blocks:

  • economic geography,
  • geoinformatics,
  • economy,
  • urban planning and spatial planning,
  • social participation.

As part of the program, students have the opportunity to learn about the latest spatial design techniques and use them to create their own design for the development of a selected area. In addition, they take part in training in the use of GIS software in the analysis of spatial data. The most committed participants can also take part in international urban planning and architectural workshops organized by the KUE Institute of Spatial Management and Urban Studies in cooperation with the University of Grenoble and the University of Ljubljana.

Classes are mostly held on the KUE Campus in specialized computer laboratories. After completing the teaching cycle, participants receive certificates confirming their participation in the course and the competences they have achieved.

KUE patronage at the 1st Secondary School named after B. Nowodworski in Krakow

The class at the 1st Secondary School. B. Nowodworski in Krakow is under the patronage of the Institute of Public Policies and Public Administration. The cooperation was established under the agreement signed between the School and the University in July 2017. The program of the patronage class is implemented by II and III year cohorts with an extended curriculum of mathematics, geography and English. The essential element of the teaching program is a two-year academic course conducted by KUE lecturers, including lectures and seminars in four groups of subjects:

  • State and administration.
  • Introduction to public sector economics.
  • Public policies.
  • Public management.

Teaching classes are usually held on the KUE Campus, where, in addition to exploring the secrets of politics and administration, economics, management and law, students learn about academic customs, and also have the opportunity to use the KUE Library and participate in important scientific events organized by KUE (including the Open Eyes Economy Summit). The patronage class program ends with obtaining a course completion certificate. The supervisor of the UEK patronage class is Dr. Tomasz Geodecki. In the 2023/2024 academic year, the seventh group of Nowodworczyk students took started classes with lecturers of our university.

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